quarta-feira, 6 de outubro de 2010

My School in Timor

So as i said before, i study in Dili International School (D.I.S). I'm in the 7th grade. So i just came back to school from 2 weeks of holidays and i'm in this new much bigger classroom. My class has 3 teachers. One for Maths, Science and French. One for English and Arts and one for Social Studies, PE and Health. So in English me and my class are focussing on Shakespeare, his plays and his very well-known poems. I absolutely love English and Poetry, so i'm having quite a lot of fun. Everybody really likes our Math teacher, but it's just so hard seeing his good side while he is teaching such terrible subjects! Oh well i guess we all have to live with it..   :)  Our PE teacher is ok.. I mean she teaches one of everybody's favorite subject, PE! but we don't quite think the same thing when she is trying to teach us Social Studies. 

3 comentários:

  1. Oi Natália, parabéns pelo blog. tah lindo.
    Já virei seguidora.

  2. As a spokesman of your Portuguese speaking fans, I would request that you make this blog bilingual. That would be great for us and useful to you, as you could practice this (m)other language as well.
    Anyway, congratulations!
    Vinicius Cabeleira

  3. Natália,
    leio sobre sua escola e fico com muita saudade dos meus tempos de colégio. Será que na DIS eles aceitam alunos (um pouco) mais velhos? Se aceitarem, vou me matricular...um beijo!
